Traveller spirit

Discovering unknown territories, as the ancient explorers did, has an unequalled thrill. Put the compass on the map and trace new routes. Dreaming of what you will find and enjoying the journey as much as the destination. And when you arrive, sharing with other cultures and other people our essence, our tradition and our way of understanding life.

Soak up their traditions. Absorbing notes from each place we visit, incorporating what we have experienced into our heritage, and continuing to add nuances to our wines and our future projects. In short, to learn in order to continue growing.

Discovering unknown territories, as the ancient explorers did, has an unequalled thrill. Put the compass on the map and trace new routes. Dreaming of what you will find and enjoying the journey as much as the destination. And when you arrive, sharing with other cultures and other people our essence, our tradition and our way of understanding life.

Soak up their traditions. Absorbing notes from each place we visit, incorporating what we have experienced into our heritage, and continuing to add nuances to our wines and our future projects. In short, to learn in order to continue growing.

Absorbing culture

Empathy. Perhaps this is the key that allows us to reach every corner of the planet and serve our wines at tables that are so different from one another. Understanding the particularities of each world we reach, in order to give the best of ourselves by adapting to each format.

We believe that what is different is what brings richness, and we strive to understand this in each case. There are many bureaucratic, logistical and cultural difficulties that we have to overcome every day, but far from seeing this as a disadvantage, we see it as a great opportunity to improve.

Empathy. Perhaps this is the key that allows us to reach every corner of the planet and serve our wines at tables that are so different from one another. Understanding the particularities of each world we reach, in order to give the best of ourselves by adapting to each format.

We believe that what is different is what brings richness, and we strive to understand this in each case. There are many bureaucratic, logistical and cultural difficulties that we have to overcome every day, but far from seeing this as a disadvantage, we see it as a great opportunity to improve.

Always ready

Like an athlete who trains every day, our production and bottling systems are always ready for the starting gun. Only the best preparation allows us to respond to our customers anywhere in the world with the speed demanded by the market. This requires a high production capacity,

flexibility in the processes and to be perfectly geared to get moving at the right time. The race is always decided in the final metres, but it is important to have travelled many kilometres beforehand in order to reach that key moment.

Like an athlete who trains every day, our production and bottling systems are always ready for the starting gun. Only the best preparation allows us to respond to our customers anywhere in the world with the speed demanded by the market. This requires a high production capacity, flexibility in the processes and to be perfectly geared to get moving at the right time. The race is always decided in the final metres, but it is important to have travelled many kilometres beforehand in order to reach that key moment.